Today, I would like to share an out-and-out vent about one
of my pet peeves.
Actually, it’s probably less of a pet peeve and more of
a prehistoric DNA gene that goes back to when caveman had to hunt and protect their
Allow me start off by expressing that I’m one of those
people who when I order something to eat in restaurant, it’s MINE. Meaning, I
don’t like sharing my food with other people at the table.
I wouldn’t share my food with even Barbra Streisand if
she were sitting across a booth at Denny’s having dinner with me while singing,
Okay, I lie. Barbra Streisand, yes. But anyone else, no.
You see, I have no problem eating dinner with a group
of people; however I don’t want them eating MY dinner.
One, I’m usually starved when I eat; therefore I want every
single morsel of food on my plate.
Two, I don’t fancy someone having their fork (which was IN THEIR MOUTH), or their fingers (which just came
off from SCRATCHING THEIR NOSE) pokin' around in my food.
And just for the record, I also don’t fancy other
people sample-sipping whatever I’m drinking either.
I can’t stand going out to eat with people who think
that dinner at a restaurant is some free-for-all-taste-what-everyone-else-is-eating-event.
And I’m sure you all know who I’m referring to, right?
Those ANNOYING noodgie people who flitter around the
table like Tinkerbell, with their fork hovering over everyone’s plate; curiously
inquiring, “Ooooo….can I have a taste of what you’re eating? That looks good, I
should have ordered it.”
Whereupon, I have no trouble saying…..” No! And get
your FRIGGIN-ASS fork away from my food!!”
OMG…that pisses me off to no end!
It’s food rape.
This especially seems to happen whenever you’re eating
Mexican food because some people like to take their nacho chips and dip them
into YOUR guacamole. It also seems to happen whenever you’re eating a burger
and fries because there will inevitably be someone at the table who is on a
diet, but thinks nothing of grabbing two of your French fries and dipping them into
your ketchup - even though they just consumed 40 points on Weight Watchers.
Look, I have a strict protocol when I eat with a group
of people.
My plate is my own personal
space, so DON’T touch it.
Or you know what?
Have a FLAWLESS weekend everyone!
Hi everyone!
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to let you know that I have an early morning at work today, therefore will be responding to comments and visiting your faaaaaaabulous blogs later in the day.
Mucho thanks for your patience and understanding.
Have a flawless weekend....X.
And I’m sure you all know who I’m referring to, right?
ReplyDeleteShould I? I read all of this post with horror. Sharing food? I'm sure you have to be kidding. No? I wonder if it goes on here, if so I'm totally out of date. I eat out a lot but haven't seen anything like... haha perhaps I'm also out of the in-crowd. Anyway, if that's what happens where you are then I don't blame you for sticking to your guns, or should I say knife and fork. Hope your day was a good one.
Whoa Ron....was there a recent incident that sparked this post?? I can't say this is a pet peeve of mine because I don't think it has ever happened to me! I'm serious! I can't think of a time that someone tried to taste my food! Hubby and I purposefully sharing a desert is the closest I can think of. I must be lucky!
ReplyDeleteI couldn't agree with you more!!!
ReplyDeleteWell...hmm... okay, there's one tiny confession I do have to make. I will occasionally pick things out of whatever dish I'm eating and plop them onto hubby's plate, which drives him crazy!! Since I don't like mushrooms, peppers, etc. and he does, I figure it's an added bonus for him to get extra. But noooo, unless I ask (and he says yes) I'll get a dirty look and a comment for putting my food on his plate. Now that makes no sense to me, since at times we'll share something like a dish of ice cream or a bowl of cereal. And sometimes he'll reach over and take something off my plate. But I can't touch his without permission. Hmmffph. Whatever! ha!
Aside from sharing with hubby, I do NOT like doing that with anyone else, even my own kids. LOL And at a party, if someone double dips ... ACKK!!... I couldn't eat from that dish after that.
Love that fork photo! bwahaha!
Have a superduper fantastic weekend. xo
You've cooked up another great post, Ron! I'll gladly offer someone a taste of my food, but I have to initiate things--don't you dare try to fork me over! That is so rude! Monkeys share their food, but they also doodle themselves in public. We don't want to emulate that--especially at the dinner table! Thanks for addressing the serious issue of food rape, Ron! We cannot remain silent any longer! Have a great week, buddy, and keep those forkers away from your food!
ReplyDeleteHa, you need a plate one can enter your fence line but you!
ReplyDeletei agree with you ron. DO NOT touch my food or my plate, nothing! i don't even want the cook touching my food even though i know he/she dropped it on the floor.
ReplyDeletei supposed spouses/significant others would get some sort of pass because, well you know......
Ha! I am singing a song, Ron, maybe you know it?
ReplyDelete"Touch my man again and Imma **** you up!" But I am replacing the word man with food.
By the way, are you going to finish that?
I so agree with you Ron!
ReplyDeleteDying of laughter here, Ron. "Food rape." Just when I thought I'd heard every possible buzz word/phrase that could ever be invented, well there you go. A new one for me. Also, if we ever get our asses in gear to meet up IRL, and we meet at a restaurant, I promise to keep my fork away from your plate. Hey, since we're on the subject of eating out, what's your favorite Philly restaurant and/or dish?
ReplyDelete"It’s food rape."
ReplyDeleteROFLOL! That is priceless!
Ron, I don't think I'd stab anyone who picked food off my plate, probably because I have KIDS who do it ALL the time. However, if someone other than my kids DID take food off my plate, I'd probably just hand them my plate and say, "Here, it's yours now, germs and all."
Now, if someone were to say, "Hey can you GIVE me a little of your pasta, I'd like to taste it", not a problem. I'd slap some on THEIR plate where they can eat with their fork, spoon, fingers or lap it up right off their plate like a dog. Although, I DO like enjoying a meal with mannerly people, so you and I would have a fantastic time going out to dinner!
Have a fantabulous weekend!
oh my goodness how funny today's post is! I know what you're talking about. My dear brother is much the same - subscribes to the approach that you eat what's on your own plate. Period. But my mom, on the other hand. She want's everyone else to taste her food. Even if you say no, she'll still spoon a helping of her entree onto your dinner plate. So what's up with all this maddening behavior around food anyway? I find it so curious that a diner who absolutely loves the flavor of his or her food will absolutely insist that everyone else at the table would love it too and they would be crazy not to order it next time. Seriously? I can hardly wait to read all the comments - there's so much absolute insanity around food. Sending love, xo!!
ReplyDeleteI really don't like other people manhandling my food either. If they would like a French Fry off my plate I will stick one in my ear and ask them to nibble it from there. Or sometimes I will purposely spill the pasta sauce on my crotch and if they want to taste it then get under the table and have a go at it by the time they finish the sauce I should be al dente. If they want to share a liquid I have had in mouth the are more then welcome to have the mouthwash that I just spit into the sink. It is truly unsanitary and not healthy to have someone whose nose has run down the lips to thier fork pick through your dinner like it was something that needed moving around. Or the kid that wants to lick the ice cream cone you have and then cries when you say no. I look lovinly into the child's eyes and bend low over his head and whisper into his ear. GET YOUR OWN F---king cone. Now this is a vent of mine.
ReplyDeleteHi Ronnie,
ReplyDeleteYou caveman, you! Snarl *@Ăą§<! Grunt,grunt!!
No seriously, I think that most of us are the same to various degrees. Though, I am totally flabergasted that someone would have even the nerve to ask total strangers that. What?!!
I have D often put the fork in front of me in a restaurant and have me taste something new or totally awesome. I can sometimes to the same but, the buck stops there.
Remember when D,you & I went out to the pub near our B&B? We had pub food and each of us ordered something and each of us ate his/her own. That must have been a "+ point" for us!
Hoping that your day went well and you are not too tired.
teehee, oh my! Someone is a little touchy on this subject! Remind me to order my own guac if we go out for nachos! hahahaha
ReplyDeleteHave a great weekend Ron
Ron, this post made me laugh! Funny! And I have to agree with you, I had a girlfriend who was forever trying to sample taste peoples' food whenever we went out to eat. Finally, all my girlfriends got to together and told her to stop. And what's surprising is that she got offended because she didn't think she was doing anything wrong, can you believe it?
ReplyDeleteLove the fork you photo! Have a wonderful weekend, Ron!
Helloooooooo Valerie!
ReplyDelete"Should I? I read all of this post with horror. Sharing food? I'm sure you have to be kidding. No?"
No...I swear to god, I'm not kidding - I've seen people do this MANY times and drives me INSANE. I find it so invasive.
"then I don't blame you for sticking to your guns, or should I say knife and fork."
Thanks so much for stopping by, dear lady. Have a super-duper weekend!
Hey Bijoux~
ReplyDelete"Whoa Ron....was there a recent incident that sparked this post??"
HAHAHAHAHA! Yes, I had a recent incident happen with someone while eating, thus....this post.
I'm glad to hear this has never happened to you, you're sooooooooooooo lucky!
Sharing a desert with a spouse, I can perhaps see, but I'm referring to those people who just assume they can swoop down onto your plate and grab a bite of what you're eating. And some of them don't even ask, they just take!
Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend! Have a wonderful weekend!
P.S. hope all is going well with your house!
Hey there Mary~
ReplyDelete"I couldn't agree with you more!!!"
Yaaaaaaaaaay....someone else who feels the same way!
" Now that makes no sense to me, since at times we'll share something like a dish of ice cream or a bowl of cereal. And sometimes he'll reach over and take something off my plate. But I can't touch his without permission."
Now that doesn't make any sense to me either, because if he doesn't like YOU touching HIS food, then he shouldn't touch yours, right? Since "I" don't I like anyone touching my food, I would never dream of doing it to someone else. And even if they offer, I won't.
"Aside from sharing with hubby, I do NOT like doing that with anyone else, even my own kids. LOL And at a party, if someone double dips ... ACKK!!... I couldn't eat from that dish after that."
I found that fork photo online. Isn't it faaaaaaabulous????
Thanks a bunch stopping by, neighbor! Have a superduper fantastic weekend too!
P.S. hope you're feeling better....((((( You )))))
Hey there Rob~
ReplyDelete"I'll gladly offer someone a taste of my food, but I have to initiate things--don't you dare try to fork me over! That is so rude!"
THANK YOU! And you're MUCH better than me because I don't even offer.
"Monkeys share their food, but they also doodle themselves in public. We don't want to emulate that--especially at the dinner table!"
Bwhahahahahahahaha! Rob, that CRACKED ME UP!!
Yes, I thought this serious issue of food rape needed to be addressed. Anti-Food Rapers Unite!
Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing the laughs, buddy. Have a great weekend!
Hey there Suzi~
ReplyDelete"You need a gate plate"
Bwhahahahhaahahhaha! That was FLAWLESS!
Great idea! And the fence could be electrical, so that anytime anyone touched it.....ZAP!
Thanks for stopping by, my friend. Have a grrrrreat weekend!
Hey ladyV
ReplyDelete"i don't even want the cook touching my food even though i know he/she dropped it on the floor."
Bwhahahahahahahaha! CRACKED ME UP!
"i supposed spouses/significant others would get some sort of pass because, well you know......"
Yes, spouses/significant others get some sorta pass, but just a 'smidgen' HA!
Glad to hear someone else feels this way!
Thanks for stopping by, girl! Have an awesome weekend!
P.S. I'm SO enjoying your photo posts this month!
Hey there Bill~
ReplyDelete""Touch my man again and Imma **** you up!" But I am replacing the word man with food.
Yup....and that's exactly what I feel like saying! drives me INSANE!!!!
Thanks so much for stopping by, buddy! And thanks for the LAUGH!
Have a stunning weekend!
Hey Akelamalu~
ReplyDeleteThank you, m'dear! Doesn't that drive you INSANE????
Have a glorious weekend and thanks a bunch for stopping by!
Hey there Kathy~
ReplyDeleteJust when I thought I'd heard every possible buzz word/phrase that could ever be invented, well there you go. A new one for me."
HA! I know, I don't know how the HELL I came up with that phrase, but it just came to me last night while writing this post.
Food Rape.
"Also, if we ever get our asses in gear to meet up IRL, and we meet at a restaurant, I promise to keep my fork away from your plate."
Thank you, girl :)
Yes, there are TONS of great restaurants here in Philly - and such a VARIETY! One of my favorite restaurants is Elvez (Mexican). They have awesome food and they give you HUGE portions. And it's very resonably priced. Also, I love Tre Scalini (Italian).
Before you come to Philly to visit me, we'll talk about where we might like to go. We'll make a plan!
Thanks a bunch for stopping by, girl! Have a glorious weekend!
P.S. I hear it's gonna be a warm one!
Bonjour Barb~
Thanks for stopping by, my friend. Have a wonderful weekend!
The Caveman
Greetings Katherine~
ReplyDelete" oh my! Someone is a little touchy on this subject!" think?
I know, I really let loose with this one, didn't I?
I can't help it though, this irritates me to no end.
Perhaps it's a "family thing" because my brother can't stand it either.
Always FAB to see ya, my friend. Have a terrific weekend!
X to you and your girls!
Helloooooo Pamela~
ReplyDelete"However, if someone other than my kids DID take food off my plate, I'd probably just hand them my plate and say, "Here, it's yours now, germs and all."
THANK YOU. And that's exactly how I feel. Plus, and know this sounds terribly selfish, but I simply don't like sharing my food.
"Although, I DO like enjoying a meal with mannerly people, so you and I would have a fantastic time going out to dinner!"
It's a date, my friend! When you and hubby come to Philly, we'll have a nice dinner somewhere, with glass of wine, and Cheers!
Thanks oodles for stopping by, Pam. Have a fantabulous weekend!
(((( You ))))
Hola Denise~
ReplyDelete"Finally, all my girlfriends got to together and told her to stop. And what's surprising is that she got offended because she didn't think she was doing anything wrong, can you believe it?"
Yes, I CAN believe it because when I said the same thing to the person who was 'sample tasting' MY food, they actually got offended too.
Glad you enjoyed the fork you photo. I found it online and thought it was PERFECT for this post!
Thanks for stopping by, girl! Always delight to see you!
Have a wonderful weekend.....X
Bwhahahahahahahaha! Holy shit, Dave, your ENTIRE comment had me ROLLING ON THE FLOOR!!!
ReplyDeleteBut this.....
"Or the kid that wants to lick the ice cream cone you have and then cries when you say no. I look lovinly into the child's eyes and bend low over his head and whisper into his ear. GET YOUR OWN F---king cone."
Bwhahahahahahhahaahaha! Sheer brilliance!!!
"I really don't like other people manhandling my food either."
No manhandling please!!!
Thanks so much for stopping by, my crazy fellow-Libra friend! And thanks for the great laughs!
Have a faaaaaaaaabulous weekend, buddy!
Hiya Diane~
ReplyDelete"I know what you're talking about. My dear brother is much the same - subscribes to the approach that you eat what's on your own plate. Period."
Well, please tell your brother I said, "RIGHT ON!"
"But my mom, on the other hand. She want's everyone else to taste her food. Even if you say no, she'll still spoon a helping of her entree onto your dinner plate."
OMG...I would FLIP OUT!
"So what's up with all this maddening behavior around food anyway? I find it so curious that a diner who absolutely loves the flavor of his or her food will absolutely insist that everyone else at the table would love it too and they would be crazy not to order it next time. Seriously?"
I know. SERIOUSLY???? I sincerely don't understand it?!
And you're right, there IS so much absolute insanity around food. And it's odd, because I come from a traditional Italian family where sitting down to dinner and eating a meal is like religious experience. Food is EVERYTHING to an Italian. However, we would DREAM of poking around on one another's plates, because if we did....we'd get a FORK jabbed into our hand - HA!
Thanks so much for stopping by, dear friend. Wishing you a stunning weekend!
Much X to you and Cristybella!
'It's food rape'
ReplyDeleteBWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Thanks for the laugh, Ron! I needed that, today!
I am SO with you on this one. I don't go stealing food from other people's plates so they should keep their hands off mine! I have a particularly good reason to deny them access, of course, because it's a rare restaurant dinner-with-friends when I'm not allergic/intolerant to, or just plain not allowed, at least one thing on everyone else's plate. So I can just say 'I dare not let you' with a sweet smile, and everyone can remain ignorant of the homicidal thoughts fizzing around my brain at the thought of their forks in my food!
ReplyDeleteI'm NOT a picky eater--I'm not.
There are things that go together and things that do NOT go together. There are things that can touch, there are things that ought NOT touch.
There are things that simply BELONG IN A SEPARATE DISH over there! And then there's the YOU HAVE TOUCHED FLOUR PRODUCTS and now you wanna taste test my food and 'spread the love'.....BACK OFF and touch your own stuff. (k....even without the flour crud tossed in there.....WRONG!)
Yes......I have a divided plate. It's red and it's mine.
Not with your fingers. Not with your eating utensils.
CERTAINLY not with a chip off of YOUR plate OR mine.
I'm done if anyone decides they CAN dip their chip in my stuff--do I KNOW where their hands have been? Don't they KNOW this is my food and NOT cool?! And OMG...take a chip, take a bite and then think they can DIP AGAIN and I'm just 'over-reacting'?!?!
DONE! Have the works--cuz I ain't touchin' it.......ever again......
I am NOT a picky eater.
What's mine is mine, what's yours.
I can turn my head and not make gagging sounds if you wanna mix your cream corn with your mashed potatoes--but it ain't happening on MY plate with MY food!
<-- cream corn this direction
mashed potatoes this direction -->
<-- has a divided plate and not afraid to admit it!
They make 'em for a reason you know......
I wonder if they make 'em with barbed wire around the top to keep out intruders.
If so, I'll pick up one for you.
And again I say--I'm not a picky eater.
I'm a discriminating one.
Just sayin'.......
Love that photo!
ReplyDeleteI'm totally with you on this. I will NEVER eat a 'dip' at a social function. I can't believe they actually have communal dips for everyone to dip their food into - even after they have already bitten into it! I absolutely hate my food touched by other people. You don't know where their hands have been!
Sometimes it's the reverse and someone says "Taste this" holding out a fork-full of their food. On the fork they have been eating from! NO THANK YOU!
Hey there Babs~
ReplyDeleteTee, hee...isn't that photo HILARIOUS?
"I absolutely hate my food touched by other people. You don't know where their hands have been!"
THANK YOU!!!!!!!
" I will NEVER eat a 'dip' at a social function. I can't believe they actually have communal dips for everyone to dip their food into - even after they have already bitten into it!"
Yes! Can you BELIEVE that?!?!? I mean it's one thing to dip ONCE, but to dip, eat, and then dip again is just plan GROSS!!!!
"Sometimes it's the reverse and someone says "Taste this" holding out a fork-full of their food. On the fork they have been eating from! NO THANK YOU!"
OMG...the SAME WAY, Babs!
Thanks so much for stopping by and making me feel like I'm NOT the only one who feels this way!
Have a AWESOME weekend!
X to you and Mo!
Hey there Jay~
ReplyDelete"I don't go stealing food from other people's plates so they should keep their hands off mine!"
"So I can just say 'I dare not let you' with a sweet smile, and everyone can remain ignorant of the homicidal thoughts fizzing around my brain at the thought of their forks in my food!"
*clapping loudly*
OMG...that's BRILLIANT! And I think I'm going to try telling everyone that same thing next time. Of course, I'll be LYING, but who cares - HAHAHAHHAHA!
Thanks SO MUCH for stopping by, dear friend! Wishing you a flawless weekend!
(((((( You )))))))
X ya!
P.S. so glad you posted today!
Hello my fellow-Libra friend, Mel!
ReplyDelete"Yes......I have a divided plate. It's red and it's mine.
Not with your fingers. Not with your eating utensils.
CERTAINLY not with a chip off of YOUR plate OR mine."
THANK YOU! And you GO, girl!!!!!!
"I'm done if anyone decides they CAN dip their chip in my stuff--do I KNOW where their hands have been? Don't they KNOW this is my food and NOT cool?! And OMG...take a chip, take a bite and then think they can DIP AGAIN and I'm just 'over-reacting'?!?!
DONE! Have the works--cuz I ain't touchin' it.......ever again......"
Bwhahahahahahahahaha! Mel, that CRACKED ME UP because I feel the SAME WAY!!!!
"I ain't touching it again!"
I mean what the hell is wrong with these people who feel like they can just DIP into everyone's food like it's one BIG community EAT FEST??? Especially RE-dipping after they've put the damn chip in their mouth already?!??!
I agree, Mel, and I couldn't have said it ANY better....
"What's mine is mine, what's yours."
Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing my passion for being a 'discriminating eater.'
I like that....discriminating.
Well said!
Have a faaaaaaabulous weekend, dear lady!
(((( You )))))
"or their fingers (which just came off from SCRATCHING THEIR NOSE) pokin' around in my food."
ReplyDeleteUgh. Tell me about it. My company held a team meeting at a bowling alley this week. Two dozen people sticking their fingers in bowling balls where hundreds of other strangers stuck their moist little fingers, then they proceed to root around in a shared pile of french fries and vegetables. I'm not a prude, but this sickened me.
You couldn't pay me to eat any of the food after seeing that sickening display of willful ignorance...
I don't think I've ever touched someone else's food/plate
ReplyDeleteit seems so rude
I might ask for a sample and let them put it on my plate
but it doesn't really bother me if someone does it
I think that after you're a Mom very few things are disgusting to you
I'm reminded of that now that Hope is around, I fogot as Jeffrey got older
Just the other day she was deep in play mode and reached over, grabbed my shirt and wiped her mouth
I didn't even blink
I did mention later that we, the royal we, should not do that to anyone other than Mommy or Nana
She said she knew
Hey there Lady Dianne~
ReplyDelete"I think that after you're a Mom very few things are disgusting to you
I'm reminded of that now that Hope is around, I fogot as Jeffrey got older."
I think you NAILED it because after reading the comments here from the MOMS who read my blog, they shared the similar response. You're right, after you're a Mom I guess very few things are disgusting to you. Yaaaaaaaaaay MOMS!!!!!!
"Just the other day she was deep in play mode and reached over, grabbed my shirt and wiped her mouth
I didn't even blink
I did mention later that we, the royal we, should not do that to anyone other than Mommy or Nana
She said she knew."
Thanks a bunch for stopping by, dear lady! Hope you're enjoying a wonderful weekend!
X and hugs to you and Hope!
P.S. Hope Siren and Isadora are doing well...x
Howdy Herman~
ReplyDeleteHA! I had a feeling you felt the same way!
"Two dozen people sticking their fingers in bowling balls where hundreds of other strangers stuck their moist little fingers, then they proceed to root around in a shared pile of french fries and vegetables. I'm not a prude, but this sickened me."
I'm GAGGING just from READING that!!!!
"You couldn't pay me to eat any of the food after seeing that sickening display of willful ignorance..."
Hope you're enjoying a wonderful weekend, buddy. Thanks for stopping by!
X to you and the family!
Oh my! As I read this, I chuckled, but then cast my eyes down in shame because I am VERY guilty of sampling. In my defensive, I will say that I only do it with people I'm familiar with and only with those that have sampled from me (close friends and family only).
ReplyDeleteMark and I share bites all the time, but we also swap spit and other bodily fluids, so a sip of soda or a bite of burger isn't that big a deal. ;-)
Have a great weekend!
Hey there Tara~
ReplyDelete"In my defensive, I will say that I only do it with people I'm familiar with and only with those that have sampled from me (close friends and family only)."
Yes, I can understand that completely. I think mainly what I'm referring to are the noodgie people who just SWOOP down on your plate like a hawk; always asking for sample bites and sips.
OMG...that drives me INSANE!!!!!
I can't help it, I've very protective over my food :)
Thanks a bunch for stopping by, girl! Always FAB to see ya!
Have a SUPA' weekend!
Double-dipping must drive you crazy.
ReplyDeleteI'm with Tara. I like to sample other people's food. I won't rape your plate, Ron - but I will ask you for a bite (and offer up one in return). Think of it as a consensual date where you agree to reach second base together.
My problem is, no matter how delicious my meal is, I always decide upon trying someone else's that I made a mistake and ordered the wrong thing. Maybe I should just be a food nazi like you...
Howdy Mark~
ReplyDelete"Double-dipping must drive you crazy."
Yes, CRAZY insane!!!!!
"but I will ask you for a bite (and offer up one in return). Think of it as a consensual date where you agree to reach second base together"
Bwhahahahahahahaha! Mark, that was freakin' HILARIOUS, man!!!
"My problem is, no matter how delicious my meal is, I always decide upon trying someone else's that I made a mistake and ordered the wrong thing. Maybe I should just be a food nazi like you..."
OMG,'re not one of THOSE people are you??????
The I-can't-decide-what-I-should-order-and-then-realize-you-made-a-mistake-people??????
Yup...I think you should become food nazi like me.
Thanks a bunch for stopping by, buddy. And I promise that if you and Tara and I ever go out to dinner together, I WON'T share my food with you!
Have a faaaaaaaaaabulous weekend!
Two things I get weird about: popcorn at the movies and dessert. If you want either one, then get your own. I don't want to share. I'm really weird about popcorn. I'll make it known. Chocolate is my downfall. It's so humorous when there's a girls' night out and for some reason one dessert gets ordered for the table. It's like a free for all. That's usually when I just don't eat any dessert.
ReplyDeleteHey Jen~
ReplyDelete"popcorn at the movies and dessert. If you want either one, then get your own. I don't want to share. I'm really weird about popcorn. I'll make it known."
You GO, girl!
And thank you for mentioning those two things because you're right. I totally forgot about POPCORN at the movies and sharing DESSERTS!!!
"It's so humorous when there's a girls' night out and for some reason one dessert gets ordered for the table. It's like a free for all. That's usually when I just don't eat any dessert."
HA! Me too! ALL those forks in the dessert - YUCK!
*shaking my head*
No siree bob, won't share!
Thanks so much for stopping by, Jen. Hope you're enjoying a great weekend!
I LOVE that fork pic!!! That's GREAT!! I am in total agreement with you here...I do NOT like people coming at me with a fork's just not something I drives me NUTS!! Have a fabulous Sunday!! xo Jeanne
ReplyDeleteHey there Jeanne~
ReplyDeleteHA! Isn't the fork pic faaaaaabulous? I knew I had to use it when I spotted it online!
"....I do NOT like people coming at me with a fork's just not something I drives me NUTS!"
THANK YOU! And you can tell from this post, it drives me NUTS too - tee, hee!
Thanks oodles for stopping by, dear lady. Hope you enjoyed a super Sunday!
X to you and the girlz!
Your fork picture is AWESOME. Flipping the fork!!!
ReplyDeleteAs a mom, my food is NEVER mine. I don't normally mind sharing, but there are some things that I have to say, "You have yours, I have mine" to. Sushi. Crab I picked myself (you want crab, there it is, pick your own)... and COFFEE. Do NOT touch my coffee!
When we go to that restaurant together, before we get kicked out, I promise not to touch your food!
Hey there Katherine~
ReplyDeleteTee, hee....glad you liked the flipping the fork pic!
"but there are some things that I have to say, "You have yours, I have mine" to. Sushi. Crab I picked myself (you want crab, there it is, pick your own)... and COFFEE. Do NOT touch my coffee!"
Bwhahahahahahahaha! OMG....I feel the same way about COFFEE!!!
Do not touch my coffee! Especially my first cup of the day!
"When we go to that restaurant together, before we get kicked out, I promise not to touch your food!"
Okay, it's a deal!
Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. Hope you had an AWESOME weekend!
OMFG! Ron, it IS food rape. It drives me BAT SHIT CRAZY when people eat off my plate. And quite frankly, I STOP eating all together when that happens. UGH!
ReplyDeleteHiya Meleah~
ReplyDelete"It drives me BAT SHIT CRAZY when people eat off my plate. And quite frankly, I STOP eating all together when that happens. UGH!'
I PROMISE that when you and I meet and we go out for a meal, I will NEVER eat off your plate - HA!
Two Libra's!!!
Thanks so much for stopping by, girl! Hope you're having a awesome week!
ReplyDeletexo and :)