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I had off today, so I decided to spend the afternoon walking around Old City. It's an area of Philadelphia that reminds me very much of one of my favorite areas in New York City, known as SoHo, but on a much smaller scale.

What I like about SoHo (as well as Old City) is that they have a delightfully gritty, artistic, Bohemian feel to them. Both locations are filled with old warehouses and lofts that have been magically transformed into unique art galleries, shops, bookstores, hotels, and restaurants.

Both Old City and SoHo are a terrific combination of shabby/chic.

The weather was utterly gorgeous today - a clear sky, sunny and bright, and a perfectly comfortable temperature of 62 degrees - it was faaaaaaaaaaaabulous!

So please enjoy a stroll through Old City....

Interior Design Shop

Clothing Boutique

I spotted this adorable little guy as I was walking past an eyeglass store

New sweet shoppe (Fezziwig's) opening soon

Loft apartment windows

Lokal Hotel (just recently opened)

As I was leaving Old City, I spotted these two guys fixing something on the outside of this store. What intrigued and amused me was how intensely focused they were on their task...

Have a fantastic weekend everyone!

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